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Archives for June, 2008

Coming changes on filer (RAID)

Posted on Monday 23 June 2008, at 07:32 UTC

As you may have noticed on Friday, everything was down from 7am to 11am (CEST, GMT+2), our main NAS crashed again which required a hard reboot by our kind hoster: we think the motherboard and the RAID card are a bit incompatible and we have planned a replacement (of the RAID card) ASAP.

We'll keep you informed of coming changes.

BTW, there has been one hour outage on the Completel network on Saturday from 7am to 8am without any known reason, this night there has been a four hours outage from 1am to 5am to work on the fiber which were broken earlier, based on our record the quick repair were not very clean and it needed some further work on it ;)

Network outage

Posted on Wednesday 11 June 2008, at 14:15 UTC


Well, quite a bad news, the completel's network around Marseille, France is completely fscked up... the time to repair window is very large... but the weather is fine here, so this is a good time to do outdoor activities !

Secondary services like mail and DNS are up, no mails are going to be lost ;)

Please bear with us.

Edit: We are back on the scene !

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