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Archives de juin 2006
Troubles on ftp server
Posté le dimanche 25 juin 2006, à 18:04 UTC
Hi, we are currently trying to patch the ftp server to prevent quota problems (wrong group, wrong mode), the ftp server should be sometimes up, often down, sometimes working strangely, use it only if you really need it now.
Edit: Patch done.
Users over quota !
Posté le mercredi 21 juin 2006, à 13:09 UTC
Here is the list of users who are over quota :
daman1605, grunge21, infographika, jishui, tjmir3
Please contact us as soon as possible !
Groups over quota !
Posté le mardi 20 juin 2006, à 20:22 UTC
Here is the list of groups which are over quota :
10keuss, alestece, blenderclan, blobiblog, dcsd, efr, gimpeval, kbups, knosciences, lgc, lmsp, m3dproject, mozport, oldhopesfr, prism54, shoesbox, zengamer
Please contact us as soon as possible !
Massive groups membership fixes
Posté le mardi 20 juin 2006, à 20:03 UTC
Evening everybody, we just run a tiny script to fixes groups membership and directories permissions all over the datas. Files are now owned to the right group and sgid flag has been added to all directories.
It should prevents most of the quota problems which happened these last days.
And we are now able to check without mistake who is over quota.
Contact us if anything is wrong for you !
Quota problems ? Files of 0 byte size after uploading ?
Posté le samedi 17 juin 2006, à 14:23 UTC
Well, let's look quota section of the FAQ.
Disk quota management fixed
Posté le mercredi 14 juin 2006, à 20:27 UTC
You probably noticed that disk quota was not working very well, err... in fact did not working at all. Here we are, disk quota is now working correctly. A little outage yesterday was due to a reboot of the biggest file server in order to handle quota correctly.
Please note that disk quota for home directory is now fixed to 1 MB, which is sufficient for your ssh key and some files you want to keep in a rather safe place. Initially there were no quota on home directory and we considered that no user will abuse of disk space, we were wrong...
As usual, feel free to contact us if anything goes wrong !, don't hesitate, really !
MySQL upgrade (again)
Posté le mercredi 14 juin 2006, à 20:05 UTC
Due to a security issue discovered in MySQL 4.1 we upgraded it tonight to version 4.1.11a-4sarge4.
If you experience problems, don't hesitate to contact us.
Coppermine Photo Gallery File Extension Handling File Upload Vulnerability
Posté le samedi 3 juin 2006, à 21:29 UTC
If you use coppermine photo gallery, there were important security issues about this software.Please update your website ASAP !
Security improvements on PHP script execution ability
Posté le samedi 3 juin 2006, à 21:17 UTC
Some changes has been made in the php configuration files, mainly on the security side.
Firstly there were a mistake in the configuration file which allowed to execute any binary in /usr/bin, the variable safe_mod_exec_dir has been set to a void directory.
Secondly all fonctions were allowed, so the following functions has been disabled : exec, system, passthru, bind, dl, shell_exec, popen, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, proc_terminate, proc_close.
If anything goes wrong for your website, fell free to contact us !
Servers upgrade
Posté le samedi 3 juin 2006, à 11:19 UTC
Today we upgraded all the servers.If you experience problems, don't hesitate to contact us.