L'hébergement libre pour les gens libres.
TuxFamily est une association fournissant des services d'hébergement pour tout projet de logiciels ou contenus libres.
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- Is Tuxfamily slowly dying?
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- un grand merci, je me sens déjà @home
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Archives de mai 2007
RMLL 2007
Posté le vendredi 25 mai 2007
TuxFamily devrait être présent aux RMLL 2007, venez nombreux !
VHFFS Database crash
Posté le mardi 22 mai 2007, à 11:39 UTC
Oops!, our server hosting the VHFFS database has just crashed, we hope a power cycle will be enough to restart it.
Impacted services : Primary mail (smtp,pop,imap,webmail,mailing lists…), Primary DNS, Probably CVS and Subversion, and Jabber
Edit: The server seems to be dead, we are trying to move the database, stay tuned!
Edit: Well, the server is dead, we moved the database on another server, everything is working again, however web service is highly degraded because almost all our web servers are in inconsistent state. We recovered the VHFFS database with a snapshot of the datas at Tue May 22 14:00:00 CEST 2007, if you have made any changes in the panel between Tue May 22 14:00:00 CEST 2007 and Tue May 22 14:38:00 CEST 2007 you are invited to make those changes again.
Edit: All web servers have been recovered, everything is back online ;)
We apologize for this down time.
Webservers upgraded to Debian Etch
Posté le mercredi 16 mai 2007, à 22:45 UTC
Hi !, all our webservers have been migrated to Etch this night. So the versions of php4 and php5 are now the same on all servers. It seems that there were a slight problem with shared sessions between php5.1 and php5.2 which caused phpmyadmin (and maybe some other softs but nobody complained) to work strangely.
However we lost a webserver in the migration (it didn't reboot for some unknown reasons :p), web service might be a bit slow in the next few days until we recover it, stay tuned !
As usual, contact us if you encounter problems :)
Edit: May 21st, 2007: Webserver recovered ;)
Webmail Improvements
Posté le mardi 8 mai 2007, à 13:31 UTC
Hi all, you can now choose between Squirrelmail and Roundcube on TuxFamily's webmail (ssl)
As usual, feel free to report bugs and suggestions ;)
Edit: May 13th, 2007: Squirrelmail and Roundcube have been updated to the last version to avoid several bugs, you might have to set your user-preferences again.
Network outage on our main servers
Posté le lundi 7 mai 2007, à 17:50 UTC
Hi all, most of our services are down, one of the ISP who are kindly hosting our servers is having network issues, we are trying to know what is going around.
Impacted services: web, svn/cvs, primary mail, mailing lists, primary dns, panel, jabber, ftpOur secondary services (dns and mails) are working fine, don't worry about your emails :)
Stay tuned ;)
We apologize for the inconvenience
Edit: about forty minutes later, everything is back online :) Sorry again folks ;)
Webserver is back !
Posté le samedi 5 mai 2007, à 00:32 UTC
Hi !, The webserver which crashed last week has been repaired and is now back in production.
But this webserver is now running Debian Etch whereas others are still running Debian Sarge with some backports. So this is a totally new configuration and you may (you will) experience problems. If something is really strange, like working the majority of time and suddenly decide to not to work during a slight period of time, this is probably a configuration problem, you must blame us to fix the problem !
When everything will be ok, we will plan to migrate to Debian Etch all others webservers, stay tuned !
Edit: A quite important problem about long mysql login names has been fixed today, sorry for the inconvenience ;)
Edit: May 15th, 2007: Phpmyadmin seems to have some troubles while being load balanced between webservers using sarge and etch. Using phpmyadmin might be a bit tricky for those next days... we are working on it. Please, contact us to report bugs !