L'hébergement libre pour les gens libres.
TuxFamily est une association fournissant des services d'hébergement pour tout projet de logiciels ou contenus libres.
En savoir plus
Activité du forum
- Is Tuxfamily slowly dying?
- Cannot access git repository with ssh:// in Fedora 41
- Unable to ftp into repositories.
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- un grand merci, je me sens déjà @home
Derniers projets
- Debian beginners handbook
- HyprLand Commander
- ESL Management System
- Serpent Twofish AES File Encrypter
- scienceforum
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Archives de mai 2013
Network outage ...
Posté le vendredi 31 mai 2013, à 19:52 UTC
... or power outage, we don't know yet. Please bear with us :(
Edit: Yeah, this was just a network outage, everything is back.
Power outage
Posté le vendredi 31 mai 2013, à 09:24 UTC
Today, around 09:16 UTC, we collapsed under a power outage, we are currently restarting everything.
Edit: Everything should be back.
TuxFamily is at Solutions Linux 2013 !
Posté le mardi 28 mai 2013, à 11:58 UTC
TuxFamily.org is at Solutions Linux 2013 event in Paris today and tomorrow
It will be a great time for all of us to meet, talk about your projects and to have some feedbacks on our hosting platform. You are all welcome in our cubicle for a coffee (or more !) We always enjoy having a special time with our hosted people so don't hesitate, come and have a talk with us.
Power outage
Posté le vendredi 17 mai 2013, à 13:33 UTC
Today, around 10:10 UTC, we collapsed under a power outage, everything should be back !.
Network outage
Posté le jeudi 2 mai 2013, à 17:58 UTC
Our main hoster is currently working on their network, which might darken our services for a few minutes from time to time.
Edit: Work completed.