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Archives de mai 2009

Memory upgrade on main storage server

Posté le mercredi 27 mai 2009, à 10:09 UTC

A memory upgrade is planned this afternoon (UTC) on our main file server.

All services will be interrupted for some minutes.

We should perform a file system check this night (around midnight UTC), which will also cause service interruption.

We'll keep you informed.

Your admins

Edit: done!

phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin upgraded

Posté le jeudi 21 mai 2009, à 00:09 UTC


So this time this is a good news, WE KID YOU NOT.

Yes, this is not a very important news, we agree, but this is quite pleasant to add something other than yet another f*cking hardware failure.

So, phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin were upgraded today ! We are confident that it will change your life !

Hardware replacement in progress

Posté le vendredi 15 mai 2009, à 10:26 UTC


We are currently replacing the hardware failing part of our main storage server.

Stay tuned ;-)

Edit: done!

Edit: We are going to move back to the primary storage array very soon, stay tuned ;-)

Edit: done!, everything should be back online

Emergency maintenance planned

Posté le lundi 4 mai 2009, à 10:19 UTC


We finished the investigation about the hardware issue on the main storage server, but we still need to check some hardware components separately to find which is the responsible. We will shutdown almost all services from time to time during this afternoon in order to do that.

Please bear with us.

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