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Archives de février 2007
Bye bye ORSN
Posté le dimanche 11 février 2007, à 16:21 UTC
For years, we trusted the ORSN network and used their roots DNS servers. Currently all servers answer SERVFAIL to all queries, which is the result of a wrong server configuration. This is not a big problem for a short period as the TTL is very long on roots servers because records change really really rarely. But now the problem occured for days and we lost the NS records of TLDs. There is also a problem on the contact page of their official website. Their monitoring show that everything is up and running which is false. I sent an email to the owner of the domain but I didn't get any answer...
Bye bye ORSN, we switch back to ICANN roots servers and we will not change anymore.
You probably had some problems to join some hosts from webservers or to receive mails, sorry for the inconvenience, but everything is running now ! :)
Posté le dimanche 11 février 2007, à 00:15 UTC
Hi folks! As you can see, there are some evolutions on our FAQ. First, we updated the wiki to a more user friendly one. Then, we reorganized all the sections in a more logical way and finally, we made a nice template to link between the different translations of a same page. As said before, the FAQ is a wiki! if you want to help TuxFamily, translating some FAQ pages is a good inexpensive way to do it ;)
By the way, we really need some help on the Spanish section please contact us.
MySQL troubles
Posté le samedi 10 février 2007, à 13:45 UTC
We had some troubles on the MySQL server this night (GMT timezone) which caused the mysql server to refuse any new connection from our webservers. After investigations, we found the hosted website which was responsible of that. We modified the MySQL configuration to prevent this to happen again and in the meanwhile we changed some startup options that should improve a bit the performances.
Everything is running right now ! :)